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Any questions? Feel free to contact either of these numbers via WhatsApp!

+44 7738 667864 or +44 7778 254548

Learn About Our Singing for Wellbeing Study!

Singing makes us feel good. This we know! 

As part of this Back Together Again event, Mark De-Lisser in collaboration with tech start-up Biiah, will be running our first singing for positive wellbeing study.

If you would like to participate in the study please download our app.

Data collected on the day will contribute to a dataset to help us prove to what extent singing does in fact make us feel good. All data will be anonymised along with current GDPR guidelines.

Thank you for participating!

If you have any questions, please contact

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Wait, I'm an Android user

Don’t have an iPhone but still interested in being involved in our ‘singing for wellbeing’ studies? Add your name to our list by tapping the button below.
New Mobile App

Mobile App

Join our waitlist

For the time being, our Biiah app is only accessible for iOS. To join the waitlist for when we develop on Android, enter your name and email.

In the meantime, check out our virtual singing programme and become a member!